Friday, February 7, 2014

i'm back

Please forgive my long blog silence!!! We moved just after Thanksgiving and I have been completely overwhelmed with work and remodeling!!! It seems the "to do list" is NEVER complete!!

We are finally in a "new/temporary" house (more on that later) and I am trying to get back to normal life!!! First thing on the agenda is to get all my most patient design clients wrapped up! Just sent out this beautiful photo by the brilliant Leslee Mitchell to be blown up (super sized) for client's living room! Can't wait to see this amazing photo be transformed into the perfect living room art!!

For daily inspiration….you can always find me on Instagram @gensfavorite and @pencilandpaperco….but I promise to be better at more frequent blog posts!!! 


  1. So glad you're back! Can't wait to see your exquisite picks!

  2. Thanks, Gen! I always love seeing your work!

  3. Glad you're back and I cannot WAIT to see what's going on in the ranch house. The snippets on Instagram are amazing! :)
